Mining for gold will not be easy, but what we find will be priceless!

HOW TO: Experience genealogy, family history activities, family photos and pedigree charts while we search family connections and collections. Write your life story, or keep a journal. Become the caretaker for precious family photos. Learn the stories, and how to protect treasures of family significance.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

William John Davies . . . continued

William and Sarah moved onto a farm in the Starline district with their five children and in 1910 Victor was added to the family and in 1916 Mary was born. Mary died in young childhood at the age of eleven and a half.

William Davies bought and farmed several parcels of land in the Starline district and was a very successful farmer from 1908 until his death in 1935.  Sarah and sons Glenn and Charlie farmed a few years, then Sarah moved to Claresholm, then on Christmas day in 1945 she passed away after several years of failing health

Janie married Harry Taitinger, a son of Nick Taitinger. George married Carrie McMurray of Cardston. Ivan married Rachel Lepard of Claresholm.  glen remained unmarried.  Charlie was married to Zelpha Newby of Lethbridge and victor married Mabel Johnson of Claresholm. There were nineteen grandchildren.

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