Mining for gold will not be easy, but what we find will be priceless!

HOW TO: Experience genealogy, family history activities, family photos and pedigree charts while we search family connections and collections. Write your life story, or keep a journal. Become the caretaker for precious family photos. Learn the stories, and how to protect treasures of family significance.

Sunday, August 7, 2011

USE THIS - - - to get started

The Life History of - - - ___________


I, _____was born on ____ at ____. I was born in __(hospital or home). (List conditions surrounding birth ___weather, ___doctor ___ or absence of one, how you got your name, etc.)

I was the ____ of ____ children born to my parents.  My father was ____ and my mother was ___. I had ____ sisters and ____ brothers. (List names and birth dates, starting with the eldest.)

Some early childhood experiences I have had are: (early playmates, incidents involving brothers and sisters, Christmas memories, birthdays, nicknames, experiences that taught you a lesson).

My father was born ____on ____ at ____. His father's name was _____ and his mother's name was____. Some fond memories of my father are: _____. the following is a brief outline of my father's life.

My mother was born ____on ____ at ____. Her father's name was _____ and her mother's name was____. Some fond memories of my mother are: _____. the following is a brief outline of my mother's life.

I started school at the age of ____, attending the ____school at ____.  some of my close school friends were:______.  My favorite teachers were: ____-. some outstanding things I remember about elementary school were:_________.

I attended the junior High School at ____.  My special friends were: _____.  some special teachers I remember were: _____. some memories I have about junior high were: _____.

I attended the ____High school at ____.  My special friends in high school were: _____ My special teachers whom I remember were: ____ .  Some outstanding  memories I have of my high school days are: _____. Special activities (athletics or student officers or clubs). I graduated from high school on ____.

I attended university at ____ for ____ years. I majored in _____ and I graduated on ____.  Some university memories are:________.

Other schools that I have attended (trade school, beauty school, business school, etc.) Name of school ___. Kind ___. Where____.  Some special things I recall about my advanced schooling:____.

I first met my future husband/wife at____.  His/her name was____.  I was ____ old, and he/she was ___.  some interesting dates we went on were: _____.

We went together for ____ and were engaged on ____.  The"question" was popped like this:_______.

We were married on ____ at___.  Some of the memories I have of my wedding are:____. We honeymooned at ____ for ____ days. Some memories of our honeymoon are:____.

We made our first home at ____.  Some of early married experiences are:____. Other home we have lived in are:____.

We have been blessed up to this date with ____ children.  They are,__________starting from the oldest (name, birth date, birthplace, etc., plus a short description of their lives, schooling, mission, marriage, etc.)

My occupations through the years, chronologically listed have been:_____. (also list circumstance leading you into your work, etc.)

The following are some interesting things which have happened to me which I would like to pass on to my children and grandchildren. (tragedies, illnesses, funny incidents , trips taken, business successes or failures, hobbies, plans and hopes for the future, etc.)

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