Mining for gold will not be easy, but what we find will be priceless!

HOW TO: Experience genealogy, family history activities, family photos and pedigree charts while we search family connections and collections. Write your life story, or keep a journal. Become the caretaker for precious family photos. Learn the stories, and how to protect treasures of family significance.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Thursday Thoughts . . . . Caroline McMurray

Happiness does not just happen; you have to work really hard for it, and still it comes in its own time.

In 1909, when Caroline McMurray was a young girl of seven, she saw her mother die from errasipitus. She remembered fanning her mother to keep the flies off her up in her bedroom in the days before she died.  Her little sister, Lila was 4 months old, so she really missed having a mom, as did the four older brothers and four older sisters.

After a while(1914) her dad married a young girl from England just two years, who was to be the new stepmother. There was lots of work to do marrying into a family with so many children, and she made them all work hard.

She didn't teach, instead just yelled at the kids to get the work done. Carrie would have loved to be taught how to make bread, grow a garden, keep a tidy English home and take care of the chickens, but instead she resented Elizabeth trying to take her mother's place and wanted to get away.

She wasn't very nice to the kids, so Carrie quit school early and went to stay and help out at some of her older brother's homes.  Eventually she felt like she had worn out her welcome and that she needed a new place to go. be continued.

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