Mining for gold will not be easy, but what we find will be priceless!

HOW TO: Experience genealogy, family history activities, family photos and pedigree charts while we search family connections and collections. Write your life story, or keep a journal. Become the caretaker for precious family photos. Learn the stories, and how to protect treasures of family significance.

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Roses for Glenna

According to a book about flowers-
ROSES: The person who loves roses is sentimental and good-hearted. They will hold onto cherished memories and share stories of the past with children who always seem to look up to them.  Because of this, elders respect that person and the characteristics of what you have become, and what you stand for.  That person will  have an active imagination and will love the natural beauty of the things around them .

My mother, Glenna, loved roses, and she is my inspiration for holding onto the cherished memories, and for wanting to share the stories of the past.

When I was born, my dad, Allan King Fowler brought a water globe with some fresh roses in it to the hospital for my  mom - I guess that was instrumental in the subconscious passing of  the love of cherished memories and family stories to me.

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